Entrepreneurs, Investors & Start-ups

IP strategies for agile companies

Entrepreneurs, investors and founders have one thing in common:
they invest capital or time in a project. The key factor in investment decisions is always the risk/return ratio. Through our services we can help you reduce the risk and increase your return prospect.

We reduce your risk, for example, by conducting IP searches that allow you to assess the novelty of your developments and your freedom of action. The systematic protection of your development increases the return of your investment through monopolization or additional licensing income.

While in the early days of a company the workforce and flexibility of the team are of primary importance, investors or potential buyers will soon focus on the sustainability of the growth and the return prospects. This sustainability can be achieved through a suitable IP strategy.

We regularly advise founders, business angels and venture capital investors on the correct use of intellectual property rights and strategies.

In order to facilitate your entry into the world of intellectual property, we offer a free initial consultation.

Dipl.-Ing. Georg Puchberger

Partner | Patentanwalt
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