A patent, trademark or design search profile can be upgraded to a monitoring service. We will watch the official registers and will inform you about any new patent, trademark or design publication that fulfills your search profile.
Such IP Monitoring can give you valuable information about developments in your technological field and activities of your competitors.
If you add a patent citation component to your watch profile, you will be automatically informed when patents are granted that relate to your own patented technology.
You will be informed in time to make sure that the narrow time frame to file an opposition against a granted patent or registered trademark is not missed.
By systematically monitoring the trademark registers and decisively acting against confusingly similar trademarks, it can be avoided that the distinctiveness of your registered trademark is diluted and your trademark turns into a generic term.
The monitoring of trademark applications of your competitors can give you a hint on which products are in line.
Introducing an IP Monitoring offers a multitude of possibilities in the area of patents, trademarks and designs – we would be pleased to advise you!