Drafting a List of Goods and Services

Upon filing a trademark, it is necessary to specify the goods and/or services for which the trademark claims protection in the course of trade. For this purpose, most patent offices apply a common list of accepted terms, which is known as Nice Classification and comprises approximately 9,000 terms. The terms are categorized in 34 classes for goods and 11 classes for services. The harmonized database TMclass, comprising more than 70,000 terms, constitutes an improvement of the Nice Classification and represents a comprehensive tool to correctly classify the business area of interest. It is not easy to select the correct terms out of this huge amount of data – because goods and services not used by the trademark owner or licensee over a period of 5 years may be cancelled at the request of any third party (request for cancellation due to non-use). We support you in the preparation of a list of goods and services for your specific brand and also gladly review a list of proposed terms for admissibility.
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