Creative Industries & Consumer Goods

Protection for your creative work

Brands and designs convey values. They add that certain something to your product.

However, only if unauthorized imitators can be held in check you are able establish a unique selling point. And this is possible – with a tailored IP strategy for your creative achievements!

Does that mean that you can be free to be creative when designing new brands or products? Not quite. After all, IP rights of other market participants must be taken into account in order to avoid conflicts. Our fast and cost-effective search and monitoring services allow you to keep track of the relevant existing IP rights. Thus, you can assess your freedom of action already during the innovation process and avoid expensive and time-consuming development loops.

You have participated in a competition or a tender, have not been awarded the contract, but have found out that parts of your concept have still been implemented? Precautions can also be taken against this kind of exploitation of your creative work.

Trademarks, registered designs, cooperation agreements or non-disclosure agreements are only a few of the tools we use to protect your intellectual property.

As European Trademark and Design Attorneys, we advise and represent creative companies such as advertising agencies, design agencies, digital agencies and architects and ensure the successful exploitation of creative efforts.

In order to facilitate your entry into the world of intellectual property, we offer a free initial consultation.

Dipl.-Ing. Georg Puchberger

Partner | Patentanwalt
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