Puchberger & Partner

European Patent Attorneys
European Trademark and Design Attorneys

Unsere Spezialgebiete

Was uns auszeichnet

  • “The crown-jewel assets of big-name corporations, both domestic and foreign, are routinely placed in the care of Puchberger & Partner. Its highly sought-after crew of technical and legal mavens joins forces with a cadre of sophisticated translators to provide a comprehensive non-contentious package. ” The world’s leading patent professionals 2016 – IAM Patent 1000

Für wen wir arbeiten

Marken weltweit

befinden sich derzeit in unserer Portfolioverwaltung

Mio. US-$

beträgt der Wert der wertvollsten Marken in unserer Portfolioverwaltung

Patente weltweit

befinden sich derzeit in unserer Portfolioverwaltung


June 2, 2023 - Limited reachability

Due to construction work in our office building, there will be a power outage from 14:00 today (June 2, 2023) until the evening. Therefore, we won't be able to receive calls or emails during this time. We apologize for any inconvenience.

New Infographic

Top 5 fuel cell applicants - number of patent family publications per year.


New Infographic

Top 8 Blockchain applicants - number of patent family publications per year.


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